Welcome to the Mansfield Public Schools located in Mansfield Massachusetts!
Please review the links below for important information before starting your student registration.
Mansfield Public Schools, 2 Park Row, Mansfield MA
Phone: 508-261-7500
Email: Student.Registration@mansfieldschools.com
Student Pre-registration Process using Family Connection:
1. GATHER the required documentation
2.CREATE a user account if you are new to the district or you have never used family connection (to register or sign up for a bus)
LOGIN to your account using your user id and password. Your ID will be the primary email address for contact #1.
3. COMPLETE online pre-registration (use the Blue Family Connections Box below)
4. SUBMIT the student record: Once all the information is entered, click the green SUBMIT icon.
5. UPLOAD required documentation as instructed using the DOCUMENT UPLOAD TAB
6. REGISTER for bus transportation if applicable using the TRANSPORTATION REQUEST FORM TAB
Mansfield Public Schools will reach out to you with instructions on completing your registration. If you haven't done so, please start uploading your documentation. Start dates can be determined once all documentation is verified. Please contact the following staff members if you have any questions:
Kindergarten Registration ONLY: Caroline Connaughton 508-261-7510
Preschool Registration ONLY: Julia Mitchell 508-261-1561
All Other Registrations: Diane Nugent or Dyana Bogdan 508-261-7500